Thursday, May 6, 2010

More than just the rules

As my time as a journalism and mass communications major comes to an end, it is fun to look back, and see what all I have done. One thing I have learned over the years is the true identity of the comma. I learned that there is much more to grammatical structure than simply putting a comma wherever the reader should pause. I also understand that a complete sentence must come after a semicolon; a colon, however, is different. It seems that grammar is always tricky, and maybe I will forever be stumped by certain nitpicky rules. And although I might not be able to call myself a master of grammar yet, I have learned so much more than rules that can be found in a handbook.

Probably most importantly, I have learned that journalism goes beyond writing a story for a publication. The world is actually depending on the work of such a journalist. When I begin my career, someone will be coming to me for answers. That is a powerful role, but I have been taught how to handle it. Not only have I been taught that I can be successful in this field, but I now know that it is something I love.

The only thing that seems to be missing is an answer to my profession question: What do I want to do when I grow up? Yes, I like journalism, but what do I actually want to do in the field? I guess this answer is not something I will find in the classroom. It is up to me to discover where I fit into this whole picture. I guess that will come with time. I am in no hurry.

Thank you to the teachers who have made this experience so magnificent; I couldn’t have asked for better. I have thoroughly enjoyed it.


  1. Tori,
    My name is Michael Sheehan. I'm an alumnus of UNC. You have know my name if you've been involved in campus goings on over the past couple of years. I'm hoping to recruit some interested undergrads who may want to help me restore some semblance of Tradition on the Greeley Campus. Please take a look at and drop me a line in email? lao tzu 41 at yahoo dot com
    I'd love to hear from any UNC students who may have comments!
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    thanks, m

  2. oops.. "You may know.." for "You have know.."
